Akihisa Shiozaki, WG'10
Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu

>> Biography

Akihisa Shiozaki (WG’10) serves as an attorney-at-law in Tokyo, specializing in the fields of crisis management and corporate governance. While being involved in a number of known governance cases, such as the Olympus Corporation scandal, or the Sumo Match Fixing scandal, he continues to devote a considerable amount of his time on pro-bono activities serving as the vice chairman of the anti-Yakuza committee of the bar association. Shiozaki served as the research director for the Independent Investigation Committee on the 3/11 Fukushima Nuclear Crisis (Chairman: Koichi Kitazawa, Executive Director: Yoichi Funabashi) which issued their report in March 2012. He was formerly a senior policy advisor at the prime minister’s office from 2006 to 2007. During his time at Wharton, he was elected President of the Wharton Graduate Association, and awarded the Class of 2001 Leadership Award.

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